frequently asked Questions

  • What are the delivery times for your products?

C each of our products is shipped within 48 hours from the time of your order. Your product will be delivered within maximum two weeks from this date. We are working hard on our delivery times to guarantee a product delivered as soon as possible.

  • I have not received my complete order ?

Being handcrafted , it happens that some products are quickly out of stock. In this case, we do not delay your entire order and we will send you the available items as soon as possible . Have no fear for the rest of your order, it will be on its way as soon as available .

  • How can you ensure rock-solid security?

Good question! The safety of our products is guaranteed to 100% !
All our products are equipped with technology offering total security to its user.
If you do not are still not reassured by the technical aspect, we have conducted several tests for you , which gave us compliant with the highest safety requirements worldwide.

  • My product arrived in bad condition?

Out let this happen to you! The quality and satisfaction of our customers is our priority. Return your package to us as soon as possible , we will be happy to send you a new, beautiful, clean one! p >

  • How many days do I have to return the product?

We know how busy your days are. And that's why we leave you 15 days from receipt of your package to return it to us . Who says better?

  • J' I'm having trouble using my product. Who can help me?

This happens to everyone! Even the best. So if you are in this situation, quickly send us a message at Alban, Miranda or Mathieu will be happy to explain everything you need to know r. We train pros here, what do you think?

  • J 'love your products and I would like to share it with my friends / family, is there a little gift for me?

You have a big heart! If you want to share a product, send us a little email and we will give you a promo code just for you ! For each purchase that the person uses, you will earn a voucher valid on the whole store.

  • What are you doing to save the planet?

Ouuulaa big question! Well, please be aware that we only choose suppliers who are committed to reduce their carbon footprint . On the issue of logistics, we group together the maximum number of packages for a smaller shipment carbon footprint . And then when bicycle delivery is available in certain cities, we do not deprive ourselves of it!

Last little advice my dear friends, beware of fakes! Beryleo n ' is in no case responsible for damages that may be caused by similar products that may circulate on the Internet or other sales channels.

Privilege your comfort and safety with the Beryleo experience.