We use genuine leather to give this bag its authentic vintage look. The strap can be adjusted according to your desire and allows you to carry the bag by hand or over the shoulder.
Each bag is handmade in our workshop to offer you a unique piece that you will not find anywhere else. The seams are deliberately worked several times to give this bag record durability.
Impeccable lines, rounded edges and reinforced seams, this bag stands out with an authentic and colorful vintage design that will enhance your outfit without overdoing it.
▪️ Cowhide leather messenger bag ▪️ An adjustable and removable leather handle for cross-carrying ▪️ Flap closure and snap tab ▪️ Inside, flat pockets and zipped pocket
Composition: Cowhide leather. Lining: polyester
Size: 20x 30 x 13cm
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If for any reason the product is not suitable for you or you need assistance,quickly send a message toour support.Alban, Miranda or Mathieu will be happy to explain everything you need to know